Read This If You Think You are not Good Enough To Write.

Khadija Rana
3 min readAug 24, 2022


To all aspiring medium writers.

Image by Author

I was having writer's block when an article on medium showed up. It was Francis who was celebrating his medium success with 3 stories.

He wrote in his article

"My car is exactly 7 steps away from my front door. I am successful at walking to my car every single time. I never fail. My magical technique is that I never create negative stories on my way there."

This hit me like a lightning bolt. Like many other writers and me, Francis was fresh to the medium.

And If you're new here, you'll have doubts, anxieties, and insecurities telling you you're not good enough.

But it's Francis's optimism that made him viral with only three stories.

Here are some lessons for you to get.

You are bigger than your fears.

As a beginner, you might wonder why your words matter to the world. Or just who cares?

But you know? We all are members of the same species.

Your doubt could be my doubts

Your fears could be my fears.

When you speak about anything, whether it makes you happy or scared, you'll find you are not alone.

Eventually, your pain could be someone's joy. So yes, Your word matters.

It's all in your head.

A writer is not someone who came from mars. He knows how to talk relatable.

Moreover, writing isn't as hard as you believe. Nothing can stop you if it's your passion.

Stop making stories in your head. As Seneca said

We suffer more in imagination than in reality”

And what is the worst that can happen? You will fail. Alright!

It's better to fail now since you'll still fail if you start tomorrow. There's no success without failures.

I might sound typical motivational speaker here, but I know I’m speaking my heart and what comes from the heart goes to the heart. In this case, maybe the heart of all beginner writers.

Meet your writing companions and beware of the enemy.

I assumed I'd be writing alone when I started writing this article. However, I found I’m not alone. I have my writing companions — the heart, mind, and soul.

They are free tools that do all of the work for me. I take words from them and write them here.

On the contrary, I can hear some nasty whispers in my ears. I call them my writing enemies. They tell me I sound weird and I should stop. But I don't mind. I had to say what I had to since you are the only one who feels something until you speak up.

Still wondering if you can write?

I couldn't be more honest, but I have no idea how I wrote this entire piece. I just sat with the craving to write, not knowing where the words would come from. Perhaps the words were desperate to escape, but the enemy was me. I, myself, was an imposter. It was as though dust was on my face, and I was constantly cleaning the mirror.

Take the step Now.

To sum up, I'm writing this with a heavy heart since I've been putting it off for days, convinced that I'm not good enough to write. I was starting to feel like an imposter.

But after reading Francis's essay, I was so inspired that it only took me 20 minutes to compose this entire post. See what I mean? Only 20 minutes! This is the reality of your doubts and fears.

As Francis said, "Each new story I write is another step."

Just talk your heart out and see the magic happens.



Khadija Rana

A word nerd on a mission to inspire people through her words